Accotink’s Approach

Accotink Academy is a special needs, language-based literacy-rich 1st-12 (age 6-21) therapeutic setting serving children with emotional disabilities, developmental disabilities (including receptive and expressive language disorders), and specific learning disabilities in reading, mathematics and written expression. This unique therapeutic program combines the best teaching practices supported by current research on brain function, language acquisition and reading.

The program was established in 1964 for children who were diagnosed as having specific learning disabilities. Due to the increasing complexity of the children being served, AA expanded its program to address not only specific learning disabilities but also the psycho-social needs of its students. The program is designed to increase academic skills and foster behavioral change.

The program is structured to promote the student's skill in living successfully within his or her environment. This is accomplished by providing activities that develop problem solving skills, individual and social responsibility, and self-reliance. The staff systematically employs behavior management principles to bring structure and predictability into the classroom and school environment. The structure includes specific routines, rules, rewards, and consequences for behavior.

The BOKS Program/ Elementary Education

BOKS is a program founded by Kathleen Tullie, to give students a body and brain boost that will set them up for a day of learning and success.  Students arrive at school and report to the gym where they join their BOKS team for the week.  Once all students have arrived, the teams will begin running relays with an emphasis on effort instead of winning.  After the completion of the relays, an ending game is played with all teams combined.

At Accotink, the BOKS program has given our students a sense of accomplishment and community.  They also have an opportunity to earn BOKS Bucks for their positive behaviors and collaboration during the program.  The students have the chance each Friday to turn in their BOKS Bucks in exchange for items such as treat passes to the school store, extra 10 minutes of break, eat lunch with a friend or even a new basketball. Click link to visit BOKS Website

Studies have shown, exercise boosts brain power!